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* Sarah's page

I love you Debbie with all my heart... ever since I first saw you I knew that you were good... you joked around with me by telling me and my sister that there was a grass monster and a green eyed monster... it worked... I was always afraid to go on the grass and I would get scared when I saw that the street light was green... it wasn't scary... not now it is... it is funny now and every time I think of it I laugh to myself... I think Leah still gets scared about the monsters but maybe when she was 11 years old... I am 13 years old now and still think about the days when I saw you... you are not out of my life... never ever... you are always in my heart no matter what people say about you... just remember that... I hope that you enjoyed the days... and I hope that you enjoy the days now... 2009... ... forever peace and thank you for being such a great person and being so kind to me and everyone that you met... Thank you so much for all the kindness and gifts... I you Debbie... take care...

Sarah Ward November 28, 2018
Digital Daggers - Still Here
Debbie, I don't know how to say how I truly feel. No words can describe what it's been like since you've left; all the years that had passed like trains in a sunset. No time has been able to erase my thoughts. No time has been able to erase the feelings of the past.

You deserved better than you got.

I remember all those years in school where I felt a warm presence by me. For awhile, I was afraid of it. But I always liked to think it was you keeping me company; and maybe it was. Even if it wasn't, the thoughts comforted me. Even if it was all in my mind, I knew you were still watching over me. Somehow, some way.

I hope you're up there in Heaven like you wished to be without the pain and suffering this world brought to you. The things you've been through; I can't even begin to comprehend. You're strong in every single way, Debbie. Back then, and here now. You are a warrior, Debbie.

You deserved better than you got.

People will get angry and upset. People will say that suicide is for cowards; that it makes one weak. They're wrong. People get angry and upset when they realize they could have did more for the person and people they claimed they loved. People don't understand that no one wants to go. They only want the pain to instead. And I understand. Even through all of the pain you got from this life, you still stood tall. You were there for your friends and family even when many hurt you.

You deserved better than you got.

Your memory will not be lost. It never will be.

It never will be.

You deserved better than you got.
Steve Ward November 27, 2018
Thinking of you, Debbie
I miss how you always brightened up a room when you walk in. I miss your laughter and can still hear it in my mind. You will always be missed and loved!  Miss you and save me a good seat in heaven!

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